It is important to support parents as they honor their experience and step into their role as a new parent.
Often the focus of postpartum aftercare centers the newborn child.
Our resources focus on acknowledging personhood in a manner that isn’t isolating or diminishing.
Our PuerPac was developed as a resource of relief for postpartum parents. It is designed to alleviate the stressors of recovery during the initial two weeks postpartum.
PuerPacs contain:

Perinatal Book Bundles
Our perinatal book bundle features two culturally congruent text that inform, engage and promote positive parenting habits. An Ebook version is available in Haitian Kreyol, Spanish and English, physical copies are available in Spanish and English.
Commit with Confidence prepares expectant parents to be proactive in their milk expression journey. Covering topics such as support teams, the golden hour and the initial weeks postpartum.
A Puerperium Pause is an affirmation book that focuses on the parent and their developing relationship with their identity as a caregiver.