Coalitions are an excellent way for individuals and agencies to gather and support each other. Our coalition work addresses health disparities and creates community linkages between existing resources and those seeking.

Orange County Parenting Coalition
The Newburgh and Poughkeepsie Healthy Black and Latinx Coalition.
Chloe Vital has been a co-chair with the N/PHBLC for the past 2 years and has helped them shift and restructure their work in post-COVID. Their work focuses on addressing health disparities in historically neglected communities.

Orange County Parenting Coalition
The Orange County Parenting Coalition
Facilitated by Cornell Cooperative Extension, and co-chaired by Executive Director Chloe Vital, the OCPC was designed for professionals to strengthen their resources to better support parents.

Orange County Lactation Coalition
The Orange County Lactation Coalition
As a part of our subcontract with the Breastfeeding Friendly initiative, we have helped establish the OCLC. We already held a multi-agency 'Lactation Celebration' for World Breastfeeding Week 2024, and look forward to future events.